I know I haven't been updating my blog, but as I said earlier, I'm back! But even though I haven't been chronicling the trials and tribulations of my weight loss journey, I haven't deviated from my journey - well, maybe a little, but I got back on track and that's what it comes down to, isn't it? Yup, it's important to get back on the wagon if you fall off.
So I've been cranking it up on the workout front for awhile, but then I got sick and couldn't work out, which totally sucked. But now that I'm feeling better, I've been trying to workout more often. I've been pretty good so far. And the results are showing, I weighed myself and was surprised to see an integer I haven't seen in awhile. Curious, I logged on to my SparkPeople account to see how much weight I've lost since I started the account way way way back when. And guess what, I've lost 17.6 lbs! Wooo Whooo! Great right? This year alone I've lost about 9 pounds - not much, but hey at least it's something. I'm happy, but I know that I still have a long journey ahead. Sadly, I'm not even half way there yet. I don't know how I've let myself get like this, but now it's time to strike back and take control. Seeing how much weight I've lost is motivating. So now I'm all revved up. I'm only two pounds away from my mini goal!!! Bring it on!