ARRRG! My ipod nano isn't working. It's stuck on hold and I've tried everything to fix it, but to no avail. It just sucks since it's a crucial part of my exercise routine. Music is essential, but I could always use my itouch for music. However, I need my nano for my Nike+ pedometer (I know you can use the Nike+ with an itouch also, but I have a first gen itouch, so it's incompatible). I really love using the Nike+ thing, cause I love seeing the data on how far I've run, how fast I've run, how many calories I've burn, how many runs I do in a week/month/year. I love seeing data like that - it must be the scientist in me. Essentially, it's my main motivator. And now that it's stopped working, my running has become less and less frequent. I really need to get it fixed, but I'm abroad and it's not like I know where to get it fixed. Also, since it's out of warranty, I think it'll cost just as much to get it fixed as it is to get a new nano. Sadness all around.
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