Lucky for us, David has devised a daily plan designed to maximize fat and calorie burning and healthy recipes. And best of all, it's FREE! So sign up for the Ultimate Summer Slimdown program today! The program starts May 1st!
“This is the cross-cable push/pulls. It emphasizes the obliques and core, in addition to working the shoulders, arms, and back muscles.”
“Here you the traveling lunge, which is a standard trainer favorite. I utlize them with all of my girls and White has benefited greatly from this move. It works thigh, butt, and hips. We always concentrate on keeping her upper body tall and erect to emphasize the abs too. While this may not be one of her favorite, Whitney does them perfectly! My form is very strict, or I should say that I am very meticulous about the manner in which I teach THIS move in particular.”
“This is the weighted ball toss for toning the waistline and shoulders – it’s Whit’s favorite move we do! We have her concentrate on controlling the momentum aspect. We keep her arms as straight as possible, too.”
“This move is tough. It takes a fair amount of upper body strength to lift the lower torso ‘off’ the seat. This move indirectly targets the arms and shoulders, but is actually an abdominal movement. It works primarily the lower ab region.”
“This one is another Whitney favorite. It is called alternating bicep curl with tension bands. She curls the bands across her body and controls the speed on the way down.”
“Lastly we have the tricep dips on a bench. She does these well every time! We try to keep her upper body close to the bench as she lifts and lowers her body up and down. This move works the shoulders and arms really well!”
• On her abs: “My secret to flat abs is pilates.”
• On challenging herself at the gym: “I like sitting in the front row of cycling class. I feel like everybody behind me is looking forward, and that pushes me to do my best. I look at myself in the mirror and get this really ferocious, angry look on my face like I’m about to kill someone. It’s crazy.
"In order for her to stay thin, she needs everyone to be eating how she is. Even at restaurants, Jessica will tell her mom to stay away from something."It is dangerous to completely ban something from your diet. One you can never really not be surrounded by temptation, unless you lock yourself in your house. Two, there's a likelihood that you will overindulge once you give in. So remember, moderation is key!