The Biggest Loser trainer,
Jillian Michaels, went on the
Today Show this morning to dish out healthy living advice. She took questions that were videoed in,
Skyped in, and called in. Jillian recommends looking at the number of calories you consume. To basically watch what you eat. Here's what else she had to say:
On how to stay healthy on the road:• Pack a cooler with healthy food options
• Choose the grilled options when dinning at fast food places
Be high maintenance with food at restaurants:• Check out nutritional info
• Ask for dressing on the sides
• Ask for things to be grilled
On not having time to go to the gym:• You don’t need a gym to workout, you can do polymetric exercises at home or anywhere
• Do squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, etc
• Get creative and think out of the box
On what not to eat:• Sugars
• Processed foods
• Refined grains
On energy boosters:• Drink water. Dehydration can snap energy. Drink at least 80 ounces a day
• Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and organic proteins
• Drink up to 200mg of caffeine a day. That’s about one cup of coffee. 200 mg of caffeine is about 75 minutes of sleep. It’ll improve cognitive function and boost energy levels
On metabolism boosters:• Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. That’s when your body is releasing most of the fat burning and anti-aging hormones
• Base workouts on strength training
• Do four to five hours of exercises per week
• Lower body exercises if the best for metabolic functions. Do lunges, squats, dead lifts, weights, etc. This releases more testosterone, DHEA – all the hormones that helps your body shed fat
• Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a metabolism killer. It releases excess estrogen, which is bad for the body and your waistline.