Do the routine four times a week.
10 MINUTE CARDIO: Jog for two minutes, run hard for six minutes, and jog for two minutes again
STRENGTH TRAINING 1: Three rounds of 20 reps using three pound dumbbells
- Forward lunge with biceps curl: Curl weights up as you step forward, then release arms down and step back to your starting position. Alternate legs.
- Reverse flys: Step forward with one leg, bend at the waist, and let your arms hang. Raise arms, slightly rounded, to the sides until they are in line with your shoulders. Switch legs every 10 reps.
- Lateral raise: Stand with arms by your sides and lift arms out to the side until they are in line with your shoulders
5-MINUTE CARDIO: Alternate between 30 seconds of jogging and 30 seconds of sprinting.
STRENGTH TRAINING 2: Three rounds of 20 reps using 3-pound dumbbells
- Squat with shoulder press: As you come out of the squat position, press arms up over your head with palms facing forward.
- Chest press: Lie back on a bench (or stacked pillows), arms extended above your chest, palms forward with dumbbells touching. Lower arms until weights are in line with chest, then press back up.
- Triceps dips: Slide off the seat of a chair, keeping your arms on the edge behind you, and lower yourself down until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.
5-MINUTE CARDIO: Jog for 30 seconds; run hard for four minutes; jog again for 30 seconds.
CORE WORKOUT: One round of 20 reps
- Reverse crunches: Lie on your back with knees pulled to chest and hands under butt; straighten legs toward ceiling, contract abs, and lift hips.
- Bicycle crunches: Lie on back with arms behind head and legs raised and bent to 90 degrees. Bring right elbow to left knee, left elbow to right knee.
- Plank: Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
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